How do I know what pitch type it is?

Recognizing the pitch type can be tricky and isn’t something you will get 100% correct all the time.  Key indicators can include spin of the ball, a pitcher’s body position…

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I prefer to “see the ball, hit the ball” rather than overloading players with information. How can chartIT assist?

Ensuring players balance out their natural physical skill with the edge that chartIT can give can take a bit of getting used to.  For this reason, it creates a great…

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Why should I chart games in chartIT?

Softball is simple, score more runs than the other team and you win.  Within that simplicity there is a multitude of layers to uncover.  The more you learn/master, the more…

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What is charting?

Charting, in the general sense, refers to recording pitches thrown in a game.  There are varying levels of details, but this can include the pitch type, location in the strike…

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What is chartIT?

chartIT consists of An app to chart softball games and to chart bullpen practices. A secure web browser login to complete reporting and view data. chartIT can assist users (coaches,…

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